I am taking my babysteps, and learning.  I think that this process gives me hope because I am the one doing it.  I don't care that the house will look a mess for a few weeks.  At least I am learning to "make" my home in a way that suits me. In the past I have either blitzed it myself, or had help to do so, but nothing has ever lasted.

It makes it difficult to consider asking for help.

Onto the good news, then!  My sink is still shiny!  I have brought my ironing board out of hibernation, although I'm going to need a stool of some kind to do the ironing properly.  My toilets are also shiny, and I have adopted a new Fly Lade habit - swish and shine!

More than anything else, I love that my darling Nick is embracing the Fly Lady principles and helping out.  I fully expect most people who know me to laugh at me - another of Benedicte's hairbrained schemes I can almost hear them thinking.  With Nick it is usually much quieter and more accepting, but he is actually participating.  He has even beenheard to voice the words "Fly Lady" out loud!

On related news, we have been reorganizing our finances and embarking on a major savings spree - well, rebudgeting!  It's a little hard to have to do it, but there is something very empowering in regaining control of such things!!

Cooking follows such endeavours, with a hearty wholesome soup being on the menu lastnight, and a big batch of mince having been cooked a week ago and used in about 4 separate meals.

Now if only I can keep this up, I think I can keep the darkness at bay.

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