Monday is a new day, a new week, a new year!  Only trouble is that having finally got through the summer holidays, my body just wants to collapse!

Fly Lady habits have at least ensured that I start my day well.  Today, I got my morning routine done before heading for school.  I'd made the kids' lunches yesterday - in fact, Kesi's lunches are made for the week.  But I've been worried about overdoing it!!

And luckily this morning, there was an email from Fly Lady with a new challenge:  to set the timer for two minutes and just work in that time.  OK, so I did get the dishes washed first, and mince cooked and set up in the slow cooker.  But all that took less than half an hour.

By the time I'd got back from my pampering session (legs are now lovely and smooth), I was tired, and had lunch in front of the telly).  I then used the advert breaks as my two minutes!

Amazingly, I was able to declutter my sitting room and sweep it.  I then swept the hall and kitchen, got rid of all cobwebs from the kitchen ceiling (first time ever) and cleaned the light fittings.  I know!!!  UN-believable!

By 6pm our dinner was in the oven, Tom's feed was ready for the night and both children's lunches were packed in their lunchbags in the fridge.

Which of course, left time for homework and "time" with the children!

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