So in the midst of much anxiety, and sadness, the spring is bringing with it some warmth, some peace, and some smiles!

Kesia is currently with Nona and Popa, feeling safer than she does at home.  Those of you who are close know that she has not been well, and she will be seeing a psychotherapist after the Easter holidays.  But I am at peace in the knowledge that she is alright an in her words "learning to be a little bit happy".

Tom is...  well he is forever Tom.  He has an astounding capacity to "be" in and of himself.  His problems do not go away, nor do they define him.  It is not accurate to say he is well, nor that he is ill.  He spreads smiles wherever he goes, and yet is quite capable of the most atrocious behaviour.  It is proving evermore urgent and necessary to be extremely clear and strong about our expectations in the face of big brother modelling!  But he "is" so very well that we simply enjoy him.

Zack has been home since Monday, so nearly a week now.  It hasn't always been easy, but thanks to Challengers, the days have been just busy enough, with goo one to one time with Mummy.  Daddy is a super dad, rising to each new challenge with aplomb.  He has taken on my plea to throw off the responsibility of preparing meals, and is cooking!

So back to Zack...  He and I struggle, of that there is no doubt at all.  I live through moments of intense sadness as "love" eludes me.  And then on my birthday, he handed me a little present.  I opened a pretty little box to find a beautiful gold chain with a lovely gem on it!!!  He ha chosen it in a charity shop, and shows very good taste.  How different the tears of happiness are!

He has been enjoying the piano, and improvises with increasing confidence, showing signs of moving musicality.  And then today, he has spent hours with plasticine, making models of Mario figures.  these figures are approximately 2cm high, and immaculately detailed.  We are bowled over by what appears to be a considerable talent in imagination, reproduction and modelling skills.

All day, the house and family has been bathed in a calm which is totally unknown to us.  We are in tune with the Spring, with the burgeoning plants and the war

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