Our family has been separated for the last couple of days, and yet feels more normal than it ever does when we are together.  I miss Nick a great deal.

He and Zack have had a great weekend, and my little boy has been able to be himself, enjoy time with his grandparents and his Daddy and be at peace with himself.  I think Nick has felt relieved to see that Zack is able to be calm and happy.

Over here, it's been a mixed bag.  There was the inevitable calm for the first few hours after Zack's departure, with a huge weight lifted off everyone's shoulders.  Kesia had a friend for a sleepover, which went very well indeed.  Then Sunday arrived, and we swung into backlash mode.  Little girl being terribly sad without knowing why, questioning who she is and being in turn angry, remorseful, rather too happy and back to sad again.  Sadly the day ended with a huge tantrum which she simply would not snap out of.

However cross I may be feeling, I hate going to bed without saying a happy goodnight to the children.  So if we have had a bad end to the day, I make a point of going to their rooms and doing my best to bring about reconciliation.  While it worked like a dream with Tom, Kesi simply wasn't ready.  I've worked really hard to accept that each of them has a responsibility within any relationship as well.  So I tried my best.  Given her stubbornness, I then said goodnight and left the room.

This morning has been a little more blended - some calm playing, a little sulking and a few outbursts.  But on the whole Tom and Kesia do seem to be finding their "normal" again.  Zack returns at lunchtime today.

But I do keep telling myself - three sleeps till he goes back to school.  Until he finds his "home" and routines again.  Until we can try to regain our equilibrium again...

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