I'm aware I haven't written anything for a while.  We've had Zack at home for the last ten days or so and this has raised all the usual suspects: sadness, exhaustion, frustration, fear, despair...  Monsters all.
I don't have the energy to sift through the jumble and make sense of where we are, but I did find an amazing poster that I have made my profile picture on facebook.  it is a ransom note:

We have your son (it reads).  We are destroying his ability for social interaction and driving him into a life of complete isolation.
It's up to you now.

Asperger Syndrome.

It encapsulates how I feel.  And I have done all I can.  School is the best we can offer him to fight back and be himself within this condition.  But at home, ...
Well, let's say that things aren't good, and I find hope a preciously rare commodity.

Anyway, as I wrote up top, I'm simply not up to, or ready to make sense of it all.  I hope to be able to before Tuesday so that I may send some notes to school, but I suspect we will need a face to face talk with school staff to know how to move forward.

Right now he is at his grandparents and I have just had a nice chat with him on the phone.  Happy.  Very obsessed by his current topics: lego, Scratch (programming animations).  Totally oblivious to the pain and hurt he left behind.

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