I've been thinking a lot lately of the fact that when life runs smooth(er), I find myself not writing so much.  As though happy times were less worthy of recording than rougher times.  And I was thinking that I must try and redress this if only as a way of retraining my mind to find the noteworthy and funny in happenings.

So tonight, I am sat in my rather lovely and cosy sitting room watching three grown-ups and two animals make sense of the new.  It's quite funny to see how the humans are almost more aware and cautious of the two animals' welfare than each is of their own.

One animal is Nimbus, our cat.  A fairly large but placid specimen, Nimbus runs away from trouble rather than facing it and much prefers his own company to that of others.  To his credit, however, he does clearly sense distress in his people, and will often be found on the bed of the child who is most in need.

The other animal in question is Sox, my in-laws' new dog.  Compared to Nimbus' 5 years, Sox is only 7 months old.  A funny little mongrel, she is small and black with white Sox.  She is full of energy, very loveable and clearly a bright sparky little thing.

How frustrating that words fail me!!  The "big"ness of Nimbus, the new noises that emanated from each of their throats.  Even sweeter and funnier, the concern of all humans around them that Sox should be kept held of, that Nimbus should get the message that this is indeed his territory.  It was all lovely, and funny and endearing!  And stirs up thoughts as yet unclear concerning relationships in general... I will have to keep my heart and mind open and wait for them to crystalise.

Nimbus having left the house earlier has since come back to eat.  He is happy in the knowledge tha tthe dog will not go upstairs.  After some hilarious staring, Nimbus has now changed tack.  He saunters into the sitting room elegantly, looking at Sox as if to say, "You, thing, you are held.  I, Nimbus, cat, am not.  I will now sit calmly in front of you and lick my nuggets (Tom's preferred word for his privates!).  I, Nimbus, cat, am not afraid of you."

Sox, being a dog and a young one at that has kowtowed quite happily.  It has to be said, however, that when Nick looked at the cat and declared that Nimbus would clearly be quite happy with a dog in the house, you could have seen sparks fly from that cat's eyes!

With a giggle in my eyes, I bid you all a goodnight, and wish you the words to share the good as well as the bad.

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